Entries by Michele

Paper Cutter!

Yipee! I just got this today. My brother-in-law is always going to auctions and he spotted this 30″ x 36″ paper cutter. It will be a vast improvement over the 8″ x 8″ when it comes to cutting my art papers. It is NOT portable and it will be “interesting” to see where is ends […]

Book Wreath

This was just delivered to me by my grandson’s wife! Needless to say, I am thrilled with it. She made it out of old math books and romance novels, creating a nice balance of left and right brain tendencies. I will be bringing this to the Holiday Card Extravaganza (OLLI class) where I will show […]

Finished Product

The wedding guest book is finally done. The covers were drilled and sections assembled in California; coptic stitch was sewn in the car (mostly in Nevada on I80); and the headbands, rocks and redwood stick were attached at Horsecreek Ranch in central Nebraska. The bride and groom used the bed of a vintage pickup to […]


Car Workstation 3

I needed a new book for watercolor and ink so I gutted an old Nancy Drew mystery and put in my own sections of watercolor paper. We had a two hour car trip today so I sewed it as we drove and found a new use for the bright pink lap desk! I needed to […]


Car Workstation 2

We had to make an “emergency” stop at Raley’s in Winnemucca, Nevada, to purchase small plastic dental floss feeders (see light blue loop on the inside of the left cover). While sewing the Coptic Stitch for this book I realized that the holes that are drilled diagonally from the edge into the first vertical hole […]

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Car Workstation

With long travel days and a need to work on a book I’ve decided to create a lap workstation for the car. I purchased the least colorful lap desk—hard to imagine that the others were brighter—and put together a little kit of threads, needles, prepunched sections and boards that I can store by my feet. […]

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Book-in-a-Box Class Photos

I love making books; teaching others to do the same is just icing on the cake. It is inspiring to be in the same room with creative, capable, and enthusiastic students. The following photos will illustrate some of the work that went into making this type of book as well many of the ideas that […]



It’s getting to be that time again. OLLI Fall 2014 semester starts next week and I have a two day course you might be interested in taking. This is a wonderful box/book structure that fits in your hands. When the cover is opened the accordion book folds open; the book can be displayed in the […]


Student Work—Crossed Structure Binding

I spent two wonderful afternoons with twelve very creative students. To prepare the pages for the books we spent a bit of time working with acrylic inks on watercolor papers. The intention was to create some kind of background for other artwork that would be added when the book was sewn. Following are just a […]