
Basics Workshop Followup

I like to teach an OLLI basic book arts class each semester. It’s meant to provide beginners with the skills needed to construct their own book; sometimes more experienced book makers will take the class to review accurate measuring, cutting, folding and gluing. We also cover different types of glue, the 3 hole pamphlet stitch, and the need to take paper grain into account. We also discuss local and online book binding resources. The structure that provides me with all of the opportunities to teach the basics uses a single section sewn with the pamphlet stitch into it’s outer folio (usual heavier paper). The back of the outer folios are then glued and pressed into a case bound cover that we also make. I learned the structure from Paul Johnson many years ago at a workshop at the San Francisco Center for the Book. Everyone finished with the additional assignment that they have to glue something on the cover to that we would know which side was the front of the book. Good job class!! I had several of these students in a more advanced workshop I gave today and they did a GREAT job. In the end we’re all beginners; I never fail to learning something new from the people in the class.

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