When I first joined North Redwoods Book Arts Guild we made a collaborative book using a Gocco machine to produce the number of images needed for all of those books. It’s a form of printmaking that disappeared for awhile. They are no longer made but apparently the machines have developed a kind of cult following and people are finding replacements for the bulbs and screens required. In an earlier post I had mentioned that I am temporarily putting book arts aside in order to open up time for other things to present themselves. This is the first of those invitations to venture into other areas. I found it in the WabiSabi Thrift Shop in Moab, Utah for $5! This is a real bargain considering there are bulbs, screens, inks, and the machine. It’s also in color!
Oh my. The cover….yes, I know. It reminds me of my first attempt at buying a computer. The salesman at Radio Shack asked me what my husband would be using it for. No Radio Shack for me.
When the Guild collaborative book was created we each brought an image of our younger selves along with a quote that we loved.
Do you recognize these other Guild members?
The machine was invented and produced in Japan. Gocco, loosely translated, means make-believe play. I just love that!!