Lupine Extravaganza in the Bald Hills
The Bald Hills east of Orick produce some really spectacular scenery, especially during the Spring when the lupine breaks out all over the coastal prairies. Mother’s Day was a very special day to be there with so many others who come to appreciate the natural beauty of this place. There were people in chairs enjoying the overlook while others were taking photos of loved ones tucked into the lupine. There were many photographers and walkers spread throughout the display. What a pleasure to sit down with my service dog, Tracy, and just paint in my nature journal.
Tracy was just so patient and just seemed to enjoy the vibe of the place. My husband was off with his camera capturing the landscape. I often finish the journal pages in my studio as I did this morning. I always research the plants I’ve noticed using iNaturalist. This is the result:
The oak trees are always eye-catching with their dark trunks and fractal branches. The two other plants I painted are real locals – ranging from Vancouver Island to the Klamath Mountains. Identifying the Cowbag Clover brought a smile to my face. I think you can see why.
I love your watercolor sketches!
I love creating them – it’s become my happy place. It combines my love of nature, fascination with watercolors, and science. Not learning to draw but drawing to learn – makes it easier to share too. Thanks for commenting. We need to do a drawing session in your backyard!