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Past Workshops
French Link Stitch with Wood
OLLI Book Arts: The "What's It" Book
I'm calling this structure a "What's It " book because it's a creative space for organizing anything you treasure. These make great planning journals with pullouts for photos, a couple of pockets,…
Double Needle Coptic Stitch
It's time for the last book arts class of the HSU OLLI Fall 2015 Semester!
Course Description:
Explore the written word as an art form as you create pages for your small book. Bring your favorite writing or drawing tools -- pens, watercolor,…
The Versatile Concertina Spine
Date: Tues. & Thurs. Feb. 17-19, 2015
Time: 1-4 pm
Place: HBAC (Humboldt Bay Aquatic Center)
Come join this class of book arts enthusiasts as we explore the many possibilities of the concertina (accordion) spine. You decide: pamphlet,…